FluentFiction - Slovenian

Chance Encounters at the Christmas Airport: Paths to Peace

FluentFiction - Slovenian

15m 53sDecember 24, 2024

Chance Encounters at the Christmas Airport: Paths to Peace

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  • Ljubljana Jože Pučnik letališče je bilo polno ljudi.

    Ljubljana Jože Pučnik airport was full of people.

  • V zraku je bil vonj po sveže kuhani kavi in prijeten zvok božičnih pesmi.

    In the air was the scent of freshly brewed coffee and the pleasant sound of Christmas carols.

  • Praznične luči so svetile in ustvarjale topel občutek, kljub hladnemu decembrskemu dnevu.

    Holiday lights were shining, creating a warm feeling despite the cold December day.

  • Tomaž je stal v vrsti pred varnostnim pregledom.

    Tomaž stood in line before the security check.

  • V rokah je stiskal letalsko karto, njegov obraz pa je bil obremenjen z mešanimi občutki.

    He clutched his plane ticket in his hands, his face burdened with mixed emotions.

  • Tomaž je bil nervozen.

    Tomaž was nervous.

  • Božič se je hitro bližal, on pa je želel popraviti odnos s svojo družino.

    Christmas was quickly approaching, and he wanted to mend his relationship with his family.

  • Leta so minila brez stika.

    Years had passed without contact.

  • Zdaj je čutil, da je čas za spremembo.

    Now he felt it was time for a change.

  • Ampak nekaj mu je šlo narobe – njegov let je imel zamudo.

    But something went wrong – his flight was delayed.

  • Tomaž je mrzlično pogledoval na uro.

    Tomaž glanced anxiously at the clock.

  • Na drugi strani letališča je stala Maja.

    On the other side of the airport stood Maja.

  • Objemala je svojo mlajšo sestro, ki je bila tik pred odhodom na enoletni študij v tujino.

    She was hugging her younger sister, who was about to leave for a year-long study abroad.

  • Maja je bila ponosna, vendar tudi zaskrbljena.

    Maja was proud but also worried.

  • Njena sestra je bila pogumna, vendar je Maja želela, da ve, da bo vedno tam zanjo.

    Her sister was brave, but Maja wanted her to know that she would always be there for her.

  • »Vem, da bo vse v redu,« je rekla sestra z nasmehom.

    "I know everything will be fine," her sister said with a smile.

  • Majo so njene besede presenetile.

    Maja was surprised by her words.

  • Zaznala je hvaležnost in ljubezen, ki sta ji napolnila srce.

    She sensed the gratitude and love that filled her heart.

  • Podpornik bi morala biti ona, a tokrat je podporo prejemala nazaj.

    She was supposed to be the supporter, but this time she received support in return.

  • Ko je čas med čakanjem mineval, sta se Maja in Tomaž srečala pri bližnjem kiosku s kavo.

    As the time waiting passed, Maja and Tomaž met at a nearby coffee kiosk.

  • Oba sta bila vidno napeta.

    Both were visibly tense.

  • Nekaj nevsiljivih besed je hitro preraslo v pogovor, poln empatije in razumevanja.

    A few unobtrusive words quickly grew into a conversation full of empathy and understanding.

  • »Zakaj si tukaj?

    "Why are you here?"

  • « je vprašala Maja.

    Maja asked.

  • »Grem k družini.

    "I'm going to see my family.

  • Po dolgem času,« je priznal Tomaž.

    After a long time," Tomaž admitted.

  • »Ampak vse je tako zapleteno.

    "But everything is so complicated."

  • «Maja ga je pogledala s toplim razumevanjem.

    Maja looked at him with warm understanding.

  • »Včasih moramo le narediti prvi korak.

    "Sometimes we just need to take the first step.

  • Zaupaj vase.

    Trust yourself."

  • «Tomaževi dvomi so se rahlo razpršili.

    Tomaž's doubts slightly dissipated.

  • Vzel si je trenutek in nato poklical družino.

    He took a moment and then called his family.

  • Povedal jim je o zapletih in bil presenečen nad njihovo toplino.

    He told them about the complications and was surprised by their warmth.

  • Čeprav je zamudil originalni let, je rezerviral naslednjega.

    Although he missed the original flight, he booked the next one.

  • Medtem je Maja pozdravila svojo sestro s toplim objemom.

    Meanwhile, Maja bid farewell to her sister with a warm embrace.

  • Tokrat je bila ob slovesu njeno srce pomirjeno.

    This time, her heart was at peace with the farewell.

  • Vroča kava je zavrela tam blizu, ko je Tomaž začutil breme, ki se je dvignilo z njegovih ramen.

    Hot coffee steamed nearby as Tomaž felt a burden lift from his shoulders.

  • Ko so se vrata letališča zaprla za Majo, je val uspeha in zadovoljstva prežemal obe.

    As the airport doors closed behind Maja, a wave of success and satisfaction filled both of them.

  • Poti so bile različne, vendar so oba vodile do notranjega miru.

    Their paths were different, but they led both of them to inner peace.

  • Tomaž je vedel, da popolnost ni bila potrebna in Maja je razumela, da mora zaupati poti svoje sestre.

    Tomaž knew that perfection wasn't necessary and Maja understood that she had to trust her sister's journey.

  • Letališče, polno potnikov, je še naprej živelo svoje nenehno gibanje.

    The airport, full of travelers, continued its constant movement.

  • Ampak za Tomaža in Majo je bil to začetek nečesa novega.

    But for Tomaž and Maja, it was the beginning of something new.