A Christmas Lesson: The Gift of Health and Togetherness
FluentFiction - Slovenian
A Christmas Lesson: The Gift of Health and Togetherness
Matej je sedel na kavču v svoji toplo okrašeni dnevni sobi.
Matej was sitting on the couch in his warmly decorated living room.
Zunaj so se na tla počasi spuščale snežinke.
Outside, snowflakes were slowly falling to the ground.
Na mizi je gorela sveča s prijetnim vonjem po cimetovem jabolku, ob kaminu pa je stala jelka, obdana s pisanimi lučkami.
On the table, a candle with a pleasant scent of cinnamon apple was burning, and by the fireplace stood a Christmas tree, surrounded by colorful lights.
Bilo je božično jutro.
It was Christmas morning.
Jasmina je v kuhinji pripravljala večerjo.
Jasmina was preparing dinner in the kitchen.
Slišala je Matejeve korake, čeprav so bili počasni in težki.
She could hear Matej's footsteps, even though they were slow and heavy.
Matej se je trudil, da bi bil nasmejan in vesel, vendar ga je nekaj težilo.
Matej was trying to appear cheerful and happy, but something was bothering him.
Že od jutra je čutil bolečine v prsih, kot bi ga nekaj močno stiskalo.
Since morning, he had felt pain in his chest, as if something was squeezing him tightly.
"Matej, želiš skodelico čaja?
"Matej, do you want a cup of tea?"
" je vprašala Jasmina iz kuhinje, medtem ko je rezala korenje.
asked Jasmina from the kitchen, while she was chopping carrots.
"Seveda, hvala," je odgovoril Matej in poskušal zakriti svojo bolečino.
"Sure, thank you," replied Matej, trying to hide his pain.
Vedel je, kako zelo se Jasmina trudi, da bi božič bil popoln.
He knew how much Jasmina was striving to make Christmas perfect.
Ni je želel skrbeti za svoje zdravstvene težave.
He didn't want her to worry about his health issues.
Ko se je dan prevešal v večer, je Matej čutil vedno hujšo bolečino.
As the day turned into evening, Matej felt increasingly severe pain.
Vendar je hodil okoli mize, postavljal krožnike in pribor ter se smehljal otrokom, ki so se veselili daril.
Still, he walked around the table, setting plates and cutlery, and smiling at the children who were excited about the gifts.
V sebi je upal, da bo bolečina izginila.
Inside, he hoped the pain would fade away.
Med večerjo je Jasmina opazila, da Matej izgleda bled in poten.
During dinner, Jasmina noticed that Matej looked pale and sweaty.
"Matej, si v redu?
"Matej, are you alright?"
" ga je skrbno vprašala, a on je samo prikimal.
she asked with concern, but he just nodded.
A takrat, ko je želel narediti požirek vode, mu je kozarec padel iz rok.
Yet at that moment, when he tried to take a sip of water, the glass fell from his hands.
Staknil je glavo v roke in se zgrudil na tla.
He clutched his head in his hands and collapsed to the floor.
Panika je zavladala v hiši.
Panic ensued in the house.
Jasmina je hitro poklicala rešilca.
Jasmina quickly called an ambulance.
Držala je Mateja za roko in mu rekla: "Ne skrbi, vse bo v redu.
She held Matej's hand and said, "Don't worry, everything will be alright."
"Ko je rešilni avto odpeljal Mateja v bolnišnico, sta se oba zamislila.
As the ambulance took Matej to the hospital, both of them reflected.
Matej je spoznal, da mu nič ne pomeni popoln božič, če ni zdrav in prisoten s svojo družino.
Matej realized that having a perfect Christmas meant nothing if he wasn't healthy and there with his family.
Jasmina pa je vedela, da njegovo zdravje ne sme nikoli biti zanemarjeno.
Jasmina knew that his health should never be neglected.
Na koncu tistega božičnega večera, ko sta se oba vrnila domov, se je Matej odločil, da bo več časa posvetil družini in manj skrbel za popolne okoliščine.
By the end of that Christmas evening, when they both returned home, Matej decided to spend more time with his family and worry less about perfect circumstances.
Objela sta se pod božično jelko in spoznala, da je najpomembnejše to, da sta skupaj in zdrava.
They hugged under the Christmas tree and realized that the most important thing was to be together and healthy.
Božič se je zaključil s toplim objemom in pogledom, ki je nosil obljubo o bolj iskreni in ljubeči prihodnosti.
Christmas ended with a warm embrace and a gaze that carried a promise of a more sincere and loving future.