FluentFiction - Slovenian

Secrets of Ljubljana Castle: A Snowy Adventure Unveiled

FluentFiction - Slovenian

16m 16sJanuary 1, 2025

Secrets of Ljubljana Castle: A Snowy Adventure Unveiled

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  • Na dan, ko so snežinke plesale po zraku, se je šola pripravila na potovanje v Ljubljanski grad.

    On the day when the snowflakes danced through the air, the school prepared for a trip to the Ljubljanski grad (Ljubljana Castle).

  • Tomaž in Nina sta bila med učenci, ki so pričakovali razburljivo izkušnjo.

    Tomaž and Nina were among the students who were anticipating the exciting experience.

  • Grad se je dvigal visoko nad mestom, pokrit s tanko snežno odejo, in kipel v novoletnem vzdušju.

    The castle rose high above the city, covered with a thin blanket of snow, and bustled in the New Year's atmosphere.

  • Tomaž je bil navdušen.

    Tomaž was excited.

  • Oboževal je zgodovino in si je želel odkriti skrivnosti gradu.

    He loved history and wanted to uncover the castle's secrets.

  • "Nina, si že slišala za skrivni prehod v gradu?

    "Nina, have you heard about the secret passage in the castle?"

  • " je tiho vprašal med nabiranjem poguma.

    he quietly asked as he gathered the courage.

  • Nina je stisnila svetlo na torbo.

    Nina clutched her bag tightly.

  • "Ne," je rekla, nekoliko zaskrbljena.

    "No," she said, somewhat worried.

  • "Kaj, če se izgubimo?

    "What if we get lost?"

  • "Tomaž se je smehljal.

    Tomaž smiled.

  • "Ne bomo se izgubili.

    "We won't get lost.

  • Poznam grad dovolj dobro.

    I know the castle well enough.

  • To bo res zabavno.

    It will be really fun.

  • In pomisli, kako navdušeni bodo sošolci!

    And think about how excited our classmates will be!"

  • "Ko se je vodeni ogled približeval koncu, se je skupina ustavila na kratkem odmoru.

    As the guided tour was nearing its end, the group stopped for a short break.

  • To je bila Tomaževa priložnost.

    This was Tomaž's chance.

  • "Pridi, Nina.

    "Come on, Nina.

  • Pojdiva," je šepetal in potegnil njen rokav.

    Let's go," he whispered, tugging at her sleeve.

  • Skozi stari, kamniti hodnik sta se podila bližje do ugledane stare freske skozi kateri naj bi se skrival prehod.

    Through the old, stone corridor, they hurried closer to an observed old fresco through which the passage was supposedly hidden.

  • Nenadoma sta naletela na majhna vrata, skoraj skrita v senci.

    Suddenly, they came upon a small door, almost concealed in the shadow.

  • Odprla sta jih in na njuno presenečenje, je bil za vrati ozek prehod, ki je vodil do balkona.

    They opened it, and to their surprise, behind the door was a narrow passage leading to a balcony.

  • Razgled je bil čaroben.

    The view was magical.

  • Celo mesto Ljubljana je bilo vidno, okrašeno s svetilkami, ki so sijale kot zvezde na zemlji.

    The whole city of Ljubljana was visible, adorned with lights shining like stars on the ground.

  • Snežinke so padale kot drobni kristali v zmrznjenem zraku.

    Snowflakes fell like tiny crystals in the frozen air.

  • "Wow," je vdihnila Nina in se prvič počutila svobodno in pogumno.

    "Wow," Nina breathed, feeling free and brave for the first time.

  • Tomaž je strmel v mesto, zadovoljno se smehljal.

    Tomaž stared at the city, smiling contentedly.

  • "Vidiš, Nina, to ni bilo tako strašljivo.

    "See, Nina, it wasn't that scary."

  • "A njihovo veselje ni trajalo dolgo.

    But their joy didn't last long.

  • V blagi paniki sta slišala korake skupine, ki se je premikala naprej brez njiju.

    In mild panic, they heard the footsteps of the group moving on without them.

  • Treba je bilo pohiteti.

    They had to hurry.

  • Tekla sta po hodnikih, njuni koraki so odmevali v kamnitih stenah.

    They ran through the corridors, their footsteps echoing off the stone walls.

  • Srci so jima razbijali in ko sta znova našla svojo skupino, so ju učitelji pogledali z namrščenimi obrazi.

    Their hearts pounded, and when they rejoined their group, the teachers looked at them with frowns.

  • Kljub temu sta bila navdušena – Tomaž zaradi uspešnega lova na skrivnost, Nina zaradi presenetljivega odkritja o sebi.

    Nonetheless, they were thrilled—Tomaž because of the successful hunt for the secret, Nina because of the surprising discovery about herself.

  • Ko se je ogled končal, je Tomaž pogledal Nino.

    As the tour ended, Tomaž looked at Nina.

  • "Kakšna pustolovščina!

    "What an adventure!"

  • " je rekel.

    he said.

  • "In boljše je, ko si jo z nekom delil.

    "And it's better when you share it with someone."

  • "Nina je pokimala, njen obraz je sijal.

    Nina nodded, her face glowing.

  • "Naučila sem se nekaj danes.

    "I learned something today.

  • Včasih je majhna avantura tista, ki nas osreči.

    Sometimes a small adventure is what makes us happy."

  • "Lučke Ljubljane so postopoma ugašale, ko je dan prešel v večer.

    The lights of Ljubljana gradually faded as the day turned into evening.

  • Novo leto se je začelo z obljubo novih doživetij in prijateljskih vezi.

    The New Year began with a promise of new experiences and bonds of friendship.

  • Tomaž in Nina sta vedela, da bosta tudi prihodnje novoletne dni preživela s skrivnostnimi vprašanji in drznimi raziskavami – skupaj.

    Tomaž and Nina knew that they would spend future New Year's days with mysterious questions and daring explorations—together.