Reconnecting in the Snow: A Tale of New Year, Love, and Home
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Reconnecting in the Snow: A Tale of New Year, Love, and Home
Triglavski narodni park je bil pokrit s svežim snegom.
Triglavski narodni park was covered with fresh snow.
Miran je hodil po poti, ki jo je poznal od otroštva.
Miran was walking on a path he had known since childhood.
To je bila zanj tradicija.
It was a tradition for him.
Vsako leto na novega leta dan je osvojil Triglav.
Every year on New Year's Day, he conquered Triglav.
Tokrat pa je bilo drugače.
This time, however, was different.
Srce mu je težilo nesrečo, ki mu je vzela mir.
His heart was weighed down by a misfortune that had taken his peace.
Med drevesi v daljavi se je pojavila silhueta.
Among the trees in the distance, a silhouette appeared.
Miran si je pomel oči in ugotovil, da ga dohiteva dekle.
Miran rubbed his eyes and realized that a girl was catching up with him.
Bila je Katja, polna energije in radovednosti.
It was Katja, full of energy and curiosity.
Bila je nova v tem okolju, vendar si je srčno želela najti stik s svojo domovino.
She was new to this environment, but she earnestly wanted to connect with her homeland.
»Živjo,« je rekla s svetlečimi očmi.
"Hello," she said with bright eyes.
»Ne bom vam v napoto, zgolj sledila bom poti.
"I won't be in your way, I'll just follow the path."
«Miran se je za trenutek premislil, nato pa pokimal.
Miran hesitated for a moment, then nodded.
Njegova želja po samoti ni bila več tako močna.
His desire for solitude was no longer so strong.
V njej je našel nekakšno toplino.
In her, he found a kind of warmth.
Pot se je vila skozi zasnežene borovce, ko sta hodila naprej.
The path wound through the snow-covered pine trees as they walked further.
Katja je postavljala vprašanja, govorila o svojih dogodivščinah v tujini.
Katja asked questions and spoke about her adventures abroad.
Miran se je počasi sprostil in delil nekaj svojih misli.
Miran slowly relaxed and shared some of his thoughts.
V pogovoru je bilo nekaj znanega.
There was something familiar in the conversation.
Zasnežena steza je postala manj vidna.
The snowy trail became less visible.
Veter je začel biti močan.
The wind began to grow strong.
Blanket svežega snega je postal izziv.
The blanket of fresh snow became a challenge.
Vremenska napoved ni napovedovala tako hude nevihte.
The weather forecast had not predicted such a severe storm.
Morala sta poiskati zavetje.
They had to find shelter.
Ko sta dosegla vrh, je veter postal neizprosen.
When they reached the summit, the wind became relentless.
Skuhala sta topel čaj iz zelišč, ki jih je Miran nosil s seboj.
They brewed warm tea from herbs that Miran had carried with him.
Mrzlo zavijanje vetra je večkrat pretrgalo njun pogovor, toda v mirnih trenutkih sta kljub temu našla geslo.
The cold gusts of wind repeatedly interrupted their conversation, but in the calm moments, they still found a connection.
»Kisik, hribček in dom,« je Miran spontano začel peti, neko melodično otroško pesem.
"Oxygen, hill, and home," Miran spontaneously began to sing a melodic children's song.
Katja se je pridružila besedilu, ne da bi o tem premišljevala.
Katja joined in the lyrics without contemplating it.
Pesem ju je povezovala iz otroštva.
The song connected them from childhood.
Nenadoma, kot spomin iz preteklosti, sta se spogledala.
Suddenly, like a memory from the past, they glanced at each other.
»Ti si Katja,« je rekel Miran, s suho grlo.
"You are Katja," Miran said, with a dry throat.
« je Katja dahnila, presenečena.
Katja gasped, surprised.
Snowstorm je počasi izginjal v daljavi, razkril pa je novo vez.
The snowstorm slowly faded into the distance, revealing a new bond.
Težko najdeno, pa vendar tu.
Hard-found, but nevertheless there.
Ko sta se spuščala nazaj v dolino, je ledeni veter postal le tih šepet.
As they descended back into the valley, the icy wind became just a quiet whisper.
V srcu sta našla toplino, večjo kot kdajkoli prej.
In their hearts, they found warmth greater than ever before.
Miran je vedel, da ni več sam.
Miran knew he was no longer alone.
Katja je našla svoj dom.
Katja had found her home.
Novo leto je prinašalo nove začetke.
The New Year was bringing new beginnings.
In družina je bila spet skupaj.
And the family was together again.