FluentFiction - Slovenian

Sibling Bonds Rekindled: A Winter Tale at Bled Lake

FluentFiction - Slovenian

15m 06sFebruary 4, 2025

Sibling Bonds Rekindled: A Winter Tale at Bled Lake

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  • Sonce je sramežljivo kukalo skozi megleno jutro nad Blejskim jezerom.

    The sun shyly peeked through the foggy morning over Bled Lake.

  • Ledena površina jezera je sijala kot zrcalo, obdano s sneženimi hribi.

    The icy surface of the lake shimmered like a mirror, surrounded by snowy hills.

  • Katja, Luka, in Miha so stopali po zmrznjeni poti proti obali jezera, medtem ko so se iz njihovih ust dvigovale drobne oblake diha.

    Katja, Luka, and Miha were walking along the frozen path towards the lakeshore, while small clouds of breath rose from their mouths.

  • Katjine misli so bile polne spominov na otroška potovanja sem, ko sta njuna starša še bila skupaj.

    Katja's thoughts were filled with memories of childhood trips here when their parents were still together.

  • Valentinovo je bilo pred vrati.

    Valentine’s Day was approaching.

  • Katja si je želela, da bi to njihovo tradicionalno zimsko srečanje ob Bledu prineslo nekaj topline in bližine.

    Katja hoped that this traditional winter gathering at Bled would bring some warmth and closeness.

  • Zazrla se je v brata.

    She looked at her brothers.

  • Luka je bil vedno nekoliko resnoben z velikim zanimanjem za knjige in zgodovino, medtem ko je bil Miha bolj športen tip z ljubeznijo do adrenalina in pustolovščin.

    Luka was always somewhat serious, with a great interest in books and history, while Miha was more of a sporty type with a love for adrenaline and adventure.

  • Že nekaj časa sta se prepirala zaradi različnih interesov, in Katja je čutila, da je čas, da tej napetosti naredi konec.

    They had been arguing for some time due to their different interests, and Katja felt it was time to put an end to the tension.

  • "Se spomniš, Miha, tistega dne, ko smo tekmovali po zamrznjenem jezeru?

    "Do you remember, Miha, that day when we raced across the frozen lake?"

  • " je vprašala, medtem ko so stopali po trdnem snegu proti sredini jezera.

    she asked as they walked on the firm snow toward the middle of the lake.

  • Miha se je zasmejal in prikimal.

    Miha laughed and nodded.

  • "Ja, in Luka, ti si skoraj zmagal!

    "Yes, and Luka, you almost won!"

  • " Luka se je nasmehnil, čeprav je poskušal ostati resen.

    Luka smiled, even though he tried to remain serious.

  • Katja je videla trenutno mehkobo v njegovih očeh in vedela, da je našla ključno točko.

    Katja saw a momentary softness in his eyes and knew she had found the key point.

  • "Zakaj ne bi danes to ponovili?

    "Why don't we do it again today?"

  • " je predlagala Katja.

    suggested Katja.

  • "Bomo videli, če lahko še vedno zdrsamo tako hitro!

    "Let's see if we can still glide as fast as before!"

  • " Preden sta Luka in Miha uspela odgovoriti, se je pognala naprej, njuno rivalstvo je nenadoma postalo skupni niz besed in zabave.

    Before Luka and Miha could respond, she dashed forward, and their rivalry suddenly turned into a shared burst of words and fun.

  • Glasovi njihovih smeha so odmevali čez zasnežene hribe.

    Their laughter echoed across the snowy hills.

  • Z nenavadno lahkoto so njuni koraki postajali nalet mehkega snega.

    With unusual ease, their steps became a flurry of soft snow.

  • Katja je pogledala nazaj in videla Luka in Miho tesno drug ob drugem, sproščena in nasmejana.

    Katja looked back and saw Luka and Miha close together, relaxed and smiling.

  • Tisti trenutek se je zdelo, da so prepiri izginili, nadomeščeni s prispominskimi trenutki.

    In that moment, it seemed the arguments had disappeared, replaced by reminiscences.

  • Ko se je dan končal in so sedeli ob obali jezera, pokriti z odejami in z vročo čokolado v rokah, je Katja začutila toploto zadovoljstva.

    As the day ended and they sat by the lakeshore, wrapped in blankets and with hot chocolate in their hands, Katja felt the warmth of satisfaction.

  • Vse do večera so se smejali in pripovedovali zgodbice iz otroštva.

    They laughed and told childhood stories well into the evening.

  • Ko je sonce počasi izginjalo za gorami, je Katja vedela, da je dosegla svoj cilj.

    As the sun slowly disappeared behind the mountains, Katja knew she had achieved her goal.

  • Njihovo bratstvo je bilo močnejše kot prej.

    Their sibling bond was stronger than before.

  • Zdaj je vedela, da lahko majhna pobuda in spomin na dobre čase pomagata ozdraviti tudi najglobje rane.

    She realized that a small initiative and the memory of good times could help heal even the deepest wounds.

  • V mislih je imela načrt za prihodnje leto, ko bo tradicijo nadaljevala z novo dozo domišljije in preteklosti v sedanjosti.

    In her mind, she had a plan for the next year, to continue the tradition with a new dose of imagination and the past in the present.