Scented Triumph: A Merchant's Bold Trade in Ancient Rome
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Scented Triumph: A Merchant's Bold Trade in Ancient Rome
Sonce se je prebilo skozi oblake, ko je Zala stopila na rimski trg.
The sun broke through the clouds as Zala stepped onto the Roman market.
Ljudi je bilo vsepovsod.
People were everywhere.
V zraku je vonj po začimbah mešal z vonjem znoja in cvetočih pomladnih cvetov.
The air was filled with the scent of spices mixed with the smell of sweat and blooming spring flowers.
Zala je bila trgovka iz Slovenije.
Zala was a merchant from Slovenia.
Prišla je v Rim, da najde redke začimbe.
She had come to Rome to find rare spices.
Potrebovala jih je za poslovnega partnerja doma.
She needed them for a business partner back home.
Trg je bil glasen.
The market was loud.
Klici trgovcev so se mešali s smehom in pogovori.
The calls of the merchants blended with laughter and conversations.
Zala je pogledovala okoli sebe.
Zala looked around her.
"Kje naj začnem?
"Where should I start?"
" je pomislila.
she thought.
Njena naloga ni bila lahka.
Her task was not easy.
Želela je najti posebno mešanico začimb.
She wanted to find a special blend of spices.
Te začimbe so bile redke, drage.
These spices were rare, expensive.
Poleg tega so se za iste začimbe zanimali tudi drugi trgovci.
Moreover, other merchants were also interested in the same spices.
Hodila je od stojnice do stojnice.
She walked from stall to stall.
Nekatere so ponujale pisane tkanine.
Some offered colorful fabrics.
Druge so bile polne košar z dišečimi zelišči.
Others were full of baskets with fragrant herbs.
Končno je Zala zagledala nekaj, kar je iskala.
Finally, Zala saw something she was looking for.
Na stojnici starca je opazila poseben set začimb.
At an old man's stall, she noticed a special set of spices.
Starec pa je takoj dvignil ceno, ko je videl, da je zanjo zanimanje.
The old man immediately raised the price when he saw there was interest in them.
Iznenada je prišel še nekdo.
Suddenly, someone else came along.
Bogat rimski plemič, oblečen v dragoceno tuniko, je pristopil k stojnici.
A wealthy Roman nobleman, dressed in a precious tunic, approached the stall.
Položil je oko na iste začimbe.
He set his eyes on the same spices.
Zala je vedela, da mora ukrepati hitro in pametno.
Zala knew she had to act quickly and wisely.
Namrščila je čelo, premišljevala.
She furrowed her brow, thinking.
Zala se je obrnila do starca.
Zala turned to the old man.
"Imam nekaj posebnega iz Slovenije," je rekla.
"I have something special from Slovenia," she said.
"Edinstvena volna.
"Unique wool.
Redka in lepa.
Rare and beautiful."
" Starec je bil radoveden.
The old man was curious.
Zanima ga je njena ponudba.
Her offer intrigued him.
Rimski plemič je gledal presenečeno, a brez volje za novo ponudbo.
The Roman nobleman watched in surprise but had no inclination to make a new offer.
Starec je privolil.
The old man agreed.
Volno je zamenjal za začimbe.
He traded the spices for the wool.
Zala si je oddahnila.
Zala breathed a sigh of relief.
Uspela je najti, kar je iskala.
She had managed to find what she was looking for.
Občutek zmagoslavja se je porodila v njej.
A sense of triumph arose within her.
Hodila je stran s samozavestjo.
She walked away confidently.
Njena kultura, njeno poreklo, vse to je bilo pomembno.
Her culture, her heritage, all of this was important.
Z dogodivščino v Rimu je Zala našla več kot le začimbe.
With the adventure in Rome, Zala found more than just spices.
Našla je zaupanje vase in ponos na svoje korenine.
She found confidence in herself and pride in her roots.
Svež vetrič je zapihal čez trg, ko je odkorakala stran, z mislimi že na poti domov in na novi poslovni uspeh, ki jo je čakal.
A fresh breeze blew across the market as she walked away, her thoughts already on her journey home and the new business success that awaited her.