FluentFiction - Slovenian

Scented Triumph: A Merchant's Bold Trade in Ancient Rome

FluentFiction - Slovenian

14m 13sMarch 10, 2025

Scented Triumph: A Merchant's Bold Trade in Ancient Rome

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  • Sonce se je prebilo skozi oblake, ko je Zala stopila na rimski trg.

    The sun broke through the clouds as Zala stepped onto the Roman market.

  • Ljudi je bilo vsepovsod.

    People were everywhere.

  • V zraku je vonj po začimbah mešal z vonjem znoja in cvetočih pomladnih cvetov.

    The air was filled with the scent of spices mixed with the smell of sweat and blooming spring flowers.

  • Zala je bila trgovka iz Slovenije.

    Zala was a merchant from Slovenia.

  • Prišla je v Rim, da najde redke začimbe.

    She had come to Rome to find rare spices.

  • Potrebovala jih je za poslovnega partnerja doma.

    She needed them for a business partner back home.

  • Trg je bil glasen.

    The market was loud.

  • Klici trgovcev so se mešali s smehom in pogovori.

    The calls of the merchants blended with laughter and conversations.

  • Zala je pogledovala okoli sebe.

    Zala looked around her.

  • "Kje naj začnem?

    "Where should I start?"

  • " je pomislila.

    she thought.

  • Njena naloga ni bila lahka.

    Her task was not easy.

  • Želela je najti posebno mešanico začimb.

    She wanted to find a special blend of spices.

  • Te začimbe so bile redke, drage.

    These spices were rare, expensive.

  • Poleg tega so se za iste začimbe zanimali tudi drugi trgovci.

    Moreover, other merchants were also interested in the same spices.

  • Hodila je od stojnice do stojnice.

    She walked from stall to stall.

  • Nekatere so ponujale pisane tkanine.

    Some offered colorful fabrics.

  • Druge so bile polne košar z dišečimi zelišči.

    Others were full of baskets with fragrant herbs.

  • Končno je Zala zagledala nekaj, kar je iskala.

    Finally, Zala saw something she was looking for.

  • Na stojnici starca je opazila poseben set začimb.

    At an old man's stall, she noticed a special set of spices.

  • Starec pa je takoj dvignil ceno, ko je videl, da je zanjo zanimanje.

    The old man immediately raised the price when he saw there was interest in them.

  • Iznenada je prišel še nekdo.

    Suddenly, someone else came along.

  • Bogat rimski plemič, oblečen v dragoceno tuniko, je pristopil k stojnici.

    A wealthy Roman nobleman, dressed in a precious tunic, approached the stall.

  • Položil je oko na iste začimbe.

    He set his eyes on the same spices.

  • Zala je vedela, da mora ukrepati hitro in pametno.

    Zala knew she had to act quickly and wisely.

  • Namrščila je čelo, premišljevala.

    She furrowed her brow, thinking.

  • Zala se je obrnila do starca.

    Zala turned to the old man.

  • "Imam nekaj posebnega iz Slovenije," je rekla.

    "I have something special from Slovenia," she said.

  • "Edinstvena volna.

    "Unique wool.

  • Redka in lepa.

    Rare and beautiful."

  • " Starec je bil radoveden.

    The old man was curious.

  • Zanima ga je njena ponudba.

    Her offer intrigued him.

  • Rimski plemič je gledal presenečeno, a brez volje za novo ponudbo.

    The Roman nobleman watched in surprise but had no inclination to make a new offer.

  • Starec je privolil.

    The old man agreed.

  • Volno je zamenjal za začimbe.

    He traded the spices for the wool.

  • Zala si je oddahnila.

    Zala breathed a sigh of relief.

  • Uspela je najti, kar je iskala.

    She had managed to find what she was looking for.

  • Občutek zmagoslavja se je porodila v njej.

    A sense of triumph arose within her.

  • Hodila je stran s samozavestjo.

    She walked away confidently.

  • Njena kultura, njeno poreklo, vse to je bilo pomembno.

    Her culture, her heritage, all of this was important.

  • Z dogodivščino v Rimu je Zala našla več kot le začimbe.

    With the adventure in Rome, Zala found more than just spices.

  • Našla je zaupanje vase in ponos na svoje korenine.

    She found confidence in herself and pride in her roots.

  • Svež vetrič je zapihal čez trg, ko je odkorakala stran, z mislimi že na poti domov in na novi poslovni uspeh, ki jo je čakal.

    A fresh breeze blew across the market as she walked away, her thoughts already on her journey home and the new business success that awaited her.