FluentFiction - Slovenian

Rekindling Bonds: A Healing Reunion at Lake Bled

FluentFiction - Slovenian

15m 07sMarch 19, 2025

Rekindling Bonds: A Healing Reunion at Lake Bled

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  • Okrog Blejskega jezera je bilo slišati rahlo šumenje vetra, ki je zibalo mlada, zelena drevesa.

    Around Blejsko jezero, there was a soft rustling of the wind swaying the young, green trees.

  • Zvonovi bližnje cerkve na otoku so oddajali mehki zvok, ki je odmeval po celem jezeru.

    The bells of the nearby church on the island emitted a soft sound that echoed across the entire lake.

  • Miha je stal na robu in strmel v mirno vodo.

    Miha stood at the edge, staring at the calm water.

  • Z Uršo in Juretom se je dogovoril, da se srečajo na tej posebni pomladi.

    He had arranged with Urša and Jure to meet on this special spring day.

  • Bilo je že nekaj let, odkar so se vsi skupaj zadnjič videli.

    It had been several years since they had all last seen each other.

  • Miho so preganjali spomini na preteklost in iskal je zapiranje starih ran, ki so jih pustili za sabo.

    Memories of the past haunted Miha, and he was searching for closure on old wounds they had left behind.

  • Urša je prva prispela.

    Urša was the first to arrive.

  • Z objemom je pozdravila Miho.

    She greeted Miha with a hug.

  • "Kako si, brat moj?" je veselo vprašala.

    "How are you, my brother?" she asked cheerfully.

  • Njena toplina je blažila napetost, ki jo je Miha čutil.

    Her warmth eased the tension that Miha felt.

  • Potem se je sramežljivo pojavil Jure, ki je gledal naokoli in kmalu opazil bratranca in sestrično.

    Then Jure appeared shyly, looking around and soon spotting his cousin and cousin.

  • "Oh, tukaj ste!

    "Oh, there you are!

  • Upal sem, da so zastoji tekom vožnje le začasni," se je nasmehnil Jure, medtem ko je iz žepa izvlekel telefon.

    I hoped the traffic delays during the drive were only temporary," Jure smiled as he pulled the phone from his pocket.

  • Njegova resna narava je bila očitna v načinu, kako je stal, vendar je bil kljub temu navdušen, da je tu.

    His serious nature was evident in the way he stood, yet he was nonetheless excited to be there.

  • Skupaj so hodili ob jezeru.

    Together, they walked by the lake.

  • Miha je kmalu zbral pogum, da začne pogovor, ki ga je že dolgo nosil v srcu.

    Miha soon gathered the courage to start a conversation he had carried in his heart for a long time.

  • "Vem, da ... smo vsi šli skozi težke čase," je začel počasi in previdno.

    "I know that... we've all been through tough times," he began, slowly and cautiously.

  • "Vendar mislim, da je čas, da se pogovorimo o tem, kar se je zgodilo v otroštvu."

    "But I think it's time we talk about what happened in our childhood."

  • Urša je pokimala.

    Urša nodded.

  • "Strinjam se.

    "I agree.

  • Ne želim, da se odnosi med nami znova poslabšajo."

    I don't want our relationships to deteriorate again."

  • Jure si je oddahnil in pogledal proti jezeru.

    Jure sighed with relief and looked towards the lake.

  • "Mislim, da sem vas že dolgo preveč zanemarjal," je priznal.

    "I think I've neglected you both for too long," he admitted.

  • "Delo mi je vedno bilo izgovor, zdaj pa vem, da to ni pomembno."

    "Work was always my excuse, but now I know it's not important."

  • Med hojo so si izmenjavali misli in izkušnje.

    As they walked, they exchanged thoughts and experiences.

  • Veter je odnašal njihove glasove, a hkrati povezoval njihove duše.

    The wind carried their voices away, but at the same time connected their souls.

  • Plahi nasmehi so se kmalu spremenili v zaupne nasmehe.

    Shy smiles soon turned into trusting smiles.

  • "Kaj če bi se srečevali vsak mesec?" je predlagala Urša s toplim, navdušenim glasom.

    "What if we meet every month?" suggested Urša in a warm, enthusiastic voice.

  • "Razmislimo o načinih, kako ostati v stiku."

    "Let's think of ways to stay in touch."

  • Miha se je naslonil na zaščitno ograjo ob jezeru.

    Miha leaned against the protective railing by the lake.

  • "Z veseljem bi to storil.

    "I would gladly do that.

  • Pomembno je meni, da gremo naprej," je rekel s tihim glasom.

    It's important to me that we move forward," he said softly.

  • Njegovo srce je bilo morda še oklepljeno, a zdaj je videl svetlo prihodnost.

    His heart might still have been guarded, but now he saw a bright future.

  • Na koncu popoldneva, ko so se poslovili, je Miho preplavila nova sreča.

    By the end of the afternoon, as they said their goodbyes, Miha was overwhelmed with a new happiness.

  • Ob jezeru, obdan z zelenimi gorami in prijatelji, je začutil, da se mostovi obnovijo.

    By the lake, surrounded by green mountains and friends, he felt the bridges being rebuilt.

  • Pripravljeni so bili obrniti novo, upanja polno stran v svojem življenju.

    They were ready to turn a new, hopeful page in their lives.