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Gustav and Ingrid's Midsummer Mishap
FluentFiction - Swedish
Gustav and Ingrid's Midsummer Mishap
Gustav var en klantig pojke.
Gustav was a clumsy boy.
Ingrid var en modig flicka.
Ingrid was a brave girl.
De bodde i Stockholm.
They lived in Stockholm.
Midsommarens dag var här.
Midsummer's day had arrived.
Staden var full av glädje.
The city was full of joy.
Men, Gustav var orolig.
However, Gustav was worried.
Han hade ansvaret för midsommarstången.
He had the responsibility for the midsummer pole.
Men han var klantig.
But he was clumsy.
Han var rädd att något skulle gå fel.
He was afraid that something would go wrong.
Ingrid var spänd.
Ingrid was excited.
Hon ser fram emot de traditionella danserna.
She was looking forward to the traditional dances.
Men hon visste också att Gustav var klantig.
But she also knew that Gustav was clumsy.
Så, hon var också orolig.
So, she was also worried.
Firandet började.
The celebration began.
Alla var glada.
Everyone was happy.
De började dansa runt stången.
They started dancing around the pole.
Men Gustav snubblade.
But Gustav stumbled.
Midsommarstången föll.
The midsummer pole fell.
Alla skrek.
Everyone screamed.
Firandet stoppade.
The celebration stopped.
Gustav kände sig dålig.
Gustav felt bad.
Han hade förstört festen.
He had ruined the party.
Ingrid gick till honom.
Ingrid went to him.
Hon sa till honom att inte oroa sig.
She told him not to worry.
De kunde fixa stången tillsammans.
They could fix the pole together.
De arbetade hårt.
They worked hard.
Efter en timme stod stången uppe igen.
After an hour, the pole was back up.
Firandet kunde börja om.
The celebration could start over.
Alla var glada igen.
Everyone was happy again.
Gustav lärde sig en lektion.
Gustav learned a lesson.
Han lärde sig att om han gör ett misstag, kan han fixa det.
He learned that if he makes a mistake, he can fix it.
Och Ingrid lärde sig att hon kunde stötta sin vän när han behövde det.
And Ingrid learned that she could support her friend when he needed it.
Efter det hände inget dåligt.
After that, nothing bad happened.
Gustav var försiktig.
Gustav was cautious.
Ingrid var glad.
Ingrid was happy.
Firandet fortsatte till natten.
The celebration continued into the night.
Midsommar blev en lycklig tid för alla.
Midsummer became a happy time for everyone.
Så, även om midsommaren började dåligt, slutade den bra.
So, even though midsummer started off badly, it ended well.
Gustav och Ingrid lärde sig viktiga lektioner.
Gustav and Ingrid learned important lessons.
Stockholm firade en lyckad midsommar.
Stockholm celebrated a successful midsummer.