FluentFiction - Mandarin Chinese

Healing Through Poetry: A Winter Solstice in the Ward

FluentFiction - Mandarin Chinese

15m 37sDecember 13, 2024

Healing Through Poetry: A Winter Solstice in the Ward

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  • 精神病房内,窗外的雪轻轻地铺在庭院中,冬日的阳光透过玻璃洒下长长的影子。

    Inside the psychiatric ward, snow gently blanketed the courtyard outside, while the winter sunlight cast long shadows through the glass.

  • 这里的空气冷冷清清,带着点沉闷。

    The air here was cold and clear, tinged with a bit of heaviness.

  • 梁是一个年轻的心理学实习生,正满怀好奇和期待地走向一间房间。

    Liang, a young psychology intern, walked towards a room filled with curiosity and anticipation.

  • 他今天的任务是和梅见面。

    His task today was to meet with Mei.

  • 梅是曾经的文学老师,现在是这里的病人。

    Once a literature teacher, Mei was now a patient here.

  • 她对诗歌有着深厚的感情,但由于过去的创伤,她很少与人交谈。

    She had a deep passion for poetry, but due to past traumas, she rarely spoke to others.

  • “梅老师,您好!”梁轻声说,希望自己的声音能带来一点温暖。

    "Mei老师, 您好!" Liang greeted softly, hoping his voice could bring some warmth.

  • 梅坐在靠窗的椅子上,眼神淡淡地看着外面的世界。

    Mei sat on a chair by the window, her eyes lightly gazing at the outside world.

  • 她的房间很简陋,但那里透着一丝落寞的宁静。

    Her room was simple, yet it exuded a sense of desolate tranquility.

  • “今天是冬至,”梁继续说道,“我带来了几首与冬至有关的古诗,

    "Today is the Winter Solstice," Liang continued, "I've brought some ancient poems related to the Winter Solstice.

  • 您愿意一起读吗?”

    Would you like to read them together?"

  • 梅没有立即回答。

    Mei did not respond immediately.

  • 梁知道,这需要时间。

    Liang knew this would take time.

  • 他耐心地等着,将书翻到记好的页面。

    He patiently waited, turning the pages to the sections he had marked.

  • “‘寒梅著花未?小苑凤初翔。’”梁轻轻地念出第一句,期待梅的回应。

    “‘Han mei zhu hua wei? Xiao yuan feng chu xiang.’” Liang recited the first line gently, hoping for a response from Mei.

  • 梅的眼中似乎有什么东西闪了一下。

    There seemed to be something flickering in her eyes.

  • 过了一会儿,梅低声说道:“我也喜欢这首诗。”

    After a while, Mei spoke softly, “I like this poem too.”

  • 她的声音带有一丝柔和。

    Her voice had a touch of softness.

  • 谈话开始变得轻松,梁感到了鼓励。

    The conversation started to ease, and Liang felt encouraged.

  • 他们一起讨论诗中的意境。

    They discussed the imagery in the poetry together.

  • 渐渐地,梅的语言更多了,她开始讲述诗歌如何带给她力量。

    Gradually, Mei spoke more, and she began to share how poetry gave her strength.

  • 突然,梅停顿了一下,深吸了一口气,然后缓缓地背出了她自己写的诗:

    Suddenly, Mei paused, took a deep breath, and then slowly recited a poem she had written:

  • “疏影横斜水清浅,岁月荏苒自忘言。

    “Shuying heng xie shui qing qian, suiyue rennan zi wang yan.

  • 花开花落人孤独,只留雪白映心寒。”

    Hua kai hua luo ren gudu, zhi liu xuebai ying xin han.”

  • 梁听得入神。

    Liang listened intently.

  • 他明白这首诗揭示了梅内心的痛苦与孤独。

    He understood that this poem revealed Mei's inner pain and loneliness.

  • 这个时刻正是他一直等待的突破。

    This moment was the breakthrough he had been waiting for.

  • “您的诗真美,”梁感慨,“但或许,交流可以让我们的心变得更温暖。”

    "Your poem is truly beautiful," Liang admired, "but perhaps, communication can make our hearts warmer."

  • 梅望着窗外,眼中有泪光,却也带着解脱。

    Mei gazed out the window, tears glistening in her eyes, yet with a sense of relief.

  • 她终于愿意打开心扉,和梁聊起过往,那是她一直抗拒去触及的往事。

    She was finally willing to open her heart and talk to Liang about the past, something she had long resisted touching upon.

  • 随着谈话的深入,梅渐渐放下心中的防备。

    As the conversation deepened, Mei gradually let down her guard.

  • 两人谈论的不仅是学业或病情,还有梅曾经的教学生涯与所爱的一切。

    They talked not only about academics or illness but also about Mei's former teaching career and all that she loved.

  • 一天将尽,房间里慢慢恢复了宁静,但这个冬至带来的光亮已驻留在他们心底。

    As the day drew to an end, the room slowly returned to tranquility, but the light brought by this Winter Solstice remained in their hearts.

  • 最终,梁意识到,只有通过同理心和耐心,才能真正触及他人的内心。

    Ultimately, Liang realized that only through empathy and patience can one truly reach another's heart.

  • 而梅则开始考虑,或许有一天,她能重新站在讲台上,分享她的爱与智慧。

    Meanwhile, Mei began to consider that perhaps one day, she could stand on the podium again, sharing her love and wisdom.

  • 窗外寒冷的冬日中,庭院被积雪装点得格外纯洁,美丽。这样的景象,像极了梅心中的一片净土。

    In the cold winter outside, the courtyard was adorned with pure and beautiful snow, resembling a serene place in Mei's heart.