FluentFiction - Mandarin Chinese

The Sweet Mistake: When Dim Sum Meets Democracy

FluentFiction - Mandarin Chinese

12m 16sMarch 15, 2025

The Sweet Mistake: When Dim Sum Meets Democracy

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  • 春天的早晨,阳光温暖地洒在街道上,鸟儿在树上轻轻歌唱。

    On a spring morning, the sunlight warmly spread over the streets, and birds gently sang in the trees.

  • 明和亮满怀期待地走在去“新开张的点心店”的路上。

    Ming and Liang walked eagerly on their way to the "newly opened pastry shop."

  • 明兴奋地说:“听说这里的点心是全城最好的!

    Ming said excitedly, "I've heard the pastries here are the best in town!"

  • ”亮微微笑着,半信半疑地回应:“希望你这次没有记错,明。

    Liang smiled slightly and replied, half-skeptically, "I hope you didn't get it wrong this time, Ming."

  • ”当他们抵达目的地时,只见到门口排着长长的队伍,四周贴满了海报和宣传单。

    When they arrived at their destination, they saw a long line at the entrance, surrounded by posters and flyers.

  • 明舔了舔嘴唇,傻傻地说:“看来他们的生意真的很好。

    Ming licked his lips and dumbfoundedly said, "It seems their business is really good."

  • ”但是,亮细心地注意到,这里的人们并不是等待点餐,而是拿着选票。

    However, Liang carefully noticed that the people there weren't waiting to order but were holding ballots.

  • 亮忍不住调侃:“明,这地方看起来不像餐馆,更像是投票中心。

    Liang couldn't help but tease, "Ming, this place looks less like a restaurant and more like a polling station."

  • ”明走进门,径直走向柜台,兴高采烈地询问:“请问,可以点个菜单吗?

    Ming walked straight to the counter enthusiastically asking, "Excuse me, can I have a menu?"

  • ”柜台后面的工作人员愣了一下,然后礼貌地回复:“这是投票中心,没有菜单。

    The staff behind the counter was momentarily stunned, then politely replied, "This is a polling center, there is no menu."

  • ”亮站在明身后,捂着嘴偷笑。

    Liang stood behind Ming, covering his mouth to hide his laughter.

  • 明一时尴尬,只好转身向投票箱走去,假装认真地填“菜单”。

    Feeling awkward, Ming had no choice but to turn to the ballot box and pretend to fill in a "menu" seriously.

  • 此时,亮努力去解释这一切的误会,并安慰工作人员:“不好意思,他以为这里是餐馆。

    Meanwhile, Liang tried to explain the misunderstanding and apologized to the staff: "Sorry, he thought this was a restaurant."

  • ”终于,在看到人们认真地投入选票后,明明白了自己的错误,笑出了声:“居然搞错了,这里不是吃点心的地方!

    Finally, after seeing people seriously casting their votes, Ming understood his mistake and burst into laughter: "I can't believe I got it wrong, this isn't a place for dim sum!"

  • ”投票中心工作人员善意地送上热茶和月饼作为安慰,明和亮便坐下来,一边品茶一边回忆过往的乌龙事件。

    The polling center staff kindly offered hot tea and mooncakes as consolation, and Ming and Liang sat down, sipping tea and reminiscing about past mix-ups.

  • 亮拍拍明的肩膀说道:“这次或许应该更信任我的建议,先查好地点再出发。

    Liang patted Ming's shoulder and said, "Maybe you should trust my advice a bit more next time, check the location before setting out."

  • ”阳光透过窗户洒进来,温暖而明亮。

    Sunlight streamed through the window, warm and bright.

  • 明笑着回应:“是啊,我以后会记得,查清楚地址再出门。

    Ming laughed and responded, "Yes, I'll remember to check the address before going out next time."

  • ”两人相视而笑,喝着茶,享受着意外的美好时光。

    The two looked at each other and smiled, enjoying the unexpectedly pleasant time over tea.